Plenary lectures

Biography: Since fall 2022, Filippo Berto is Professor of mechanics of Materials at Sapienza University of Rome. Previously he has been international chair in fracture mechanics, fatigue, and structural integrity at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology of Trondheim, Norway, since beginning of 2016. He was professor of machine design at the University of Padua, Italy, between 2006 and 2015. He is chairman of the technical committee ESIS TC15 on Structural Integrity of additive manufactured components of European Structural Integrity Society. In 2020 he has been one of the founders of TC18 of ESIS dedicated to the structural integrity of welded structures. Prof. Berto is author of more than 700 papers on the topics of fatigue design and structural integrity touching different design aspects.
Biography: Jianying He is professor in Nanomechanics at Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and academician of Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA). Her research focuses on nanomechanics and interface mechanics of energy and functional materials. She is leading the research activities on nanomechanical characteristics of materials and structures, functional surfaces and coatings for low adhesion applications, and multiphysical phenomena. Her research has significantly contributed to the success of the Norwegian industry to commercialize their products in the international electronics markets. She is honored as one of the outstanding academic fellows at NTNU, senior member of IEEE, and fellow of European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). She also serves as ExCo member of ESIS, Nordic Association of Computational Mechanics, and IEEE Nanotechnology Nordic Chapter; co-editor-in-Chief of Fracture and Structural Integrity, editorial board member of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Nano Express, and Forces in Mechanics.
Biography: Milos B. Djukic is a full professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia. His research interests include hydrogen embrittlement, hydrogen-materials interactions, corrosion and materials science, materials degradation, and the mechanical behavior of materials. Prof. Djukic is a member of the team for preparation of the Hydrogen Strategy of the Republic of Serbia and an Executive Committee Member of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). He also serves as the chair of ESIS Technical Committee TC21 on Hydrogen Embrittlement and Transport. He is an assistant subject editor for the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy by Elsevier, and a member of the editorial board of eighteen international journals, including Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A and Engineering Failure Analysis. Prof. Djukic scientific research focuses on the fundamental understanding of hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms in metallic materials and hydrogen-materials interactions. He is included in the 2023 list of the 2% most cited researchers worldwide, published by Stanford University and curated by Elsevier using Scopus data. Prof. Djukic is an external peer reviewer for scientific projects of five European scientific government agencies in Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Norway, the Netherlands, and South Africa. He is also a research projects peer reviewer for the European Research Council (ERC).

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Biography: Sabrina Vantadori is a professor in Structural Mechanics at the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Parma.  She is the TC3 President (Technical Committee No.3 “Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures”) of ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society) since October 2020, and Vice Head of the Laboratory “Prove Materiale e Strutture” of the University of Parma since February 2021. Her research field is fatigue and fracture mechanics of traditional and innovative materials at different length scales. She received 7 Scientific International Awards.  She was the chairperson of 3 International Conferences, member of International Scientific Advisory Committee of several International Conferences, and keynote speakers of 6 International Conferences. 
Biography: Francesco Iacoviello is full professor of Metallurgy at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. He was President of the Italian Group of Fracture - IGF (2009-2021), President of the European Structural integrity Society – ESIS (2018-2022), Vice-President of the International Congress on Fracture (2017- 2023). He is Director of the International Congress on FractureEditor in Chief of Fracture and Structural Integrity and of Procedia Structural Integrity and Deputy Rector for Services and Infrastructures at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. His main research fields concern the analysis of fatigue crack propagation resistance and damaging micromechanisms of stainless steels, ductile cast irons, Al and Ti alloys, shape memory alloys, additively manufactured alloys and Zn coated steels, the investigation of stainless steels hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms and the analysis of stainless steels localized corrosion micromechanisms. 

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