Biography: Milos B. Djukic is a full professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia. His research interests include hydrogen embrittlement, hydrogen-materials interactions, corrosion and materials science, materials degradation, and the mechanical behavior of materials. Prof. Djukic is a member of the team for preparation of the Hydrogen Strategy of the Republic of Serbia and an Executive Committee Member of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). He also serves as the chair of ESIS Technical Committee TC21 on Hydrogen Embrittlement and Transport. He is an assistant subject editor for the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy by Elsevier, and a member of the editorial board of eighteen international journals, including Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A and Engineering Failure Analysis. Prof. Djukic scientific research focuses on the fundamental understanding of hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms in metallic materials and hydrogen-materials interactions. He is included in the 2023 list of the 2% most cited researchers worldwide, published by Stanford University and curated by Elsevier using Scopus data. Prof. Djukic is an external peer reviewer for scientific projects of five European scientific government agencies in Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Norway, the Netherlands, and South Africa. He is also a research projects peer reviewer for the European Research Council (ERC).